So I have tons of Hair Accessories and have already started my daughter's collection;) They are an awesome investment!! Some I have had for years and still use them! They last a long time with normal use and are mix and match;)

These are Jaley's bows so far. (shes 3 months old) We love to match bows with outfits, they really dress up onesies and anything your child has on!
First of all, thanks Tashena, for inviting me to contribute to your blog;) I have a lot of interest because I too am the mother of "mixed" or "biracial" children who all 3 have very different hair types. Throw mine and Daddy's hair in the mix and we have quite the variety. I will be sharing tips on hair and scalp care, designs--including different types of braiding, twists, curls--and something Tashena also knows alot about......"dressing it up with bows"!! I will also include information on how I care for all my children's hair as well as my own and even my Fiance' who has a variety of tips to care for his own. Please feel free to contact either of us with questions and/or comments.
***Above are some everyday items we use for hair care on a daily basis in my home. 1) My fiance' uses the "Sportin Waves" on clean, dry/damp hair. Get a small amount on a few fingertips and brush or comb through hair. Cover with a "Wave Cap" to help encourage waving. Note: this is recommended for short semi-dry hair only. I also have quite an assortment of hair "doo-dadds" as I call them. I have already started my daughter's collection too!! 2) For coarse or thick hair use a "hard bristle" brush, preferably with flat wooden handle. These bristles brush through hair easily and smooths when done consistently. 3) You can use baby oil or an oil based lotion like the one above to put in hair that is dry and/or coarse and thick. This moisturizes the scalp and hair shaft, leaving hair healthier and shinier. I use the "Baby Magic" on my 3 month old twins who have a little cradle-cap and pealing. It is helping alot!!
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